Tire Dust Is Poisoning Coho Salmon

In December of 2020, The Seattle Times reported that in a paper published in Science magazine, researchers have identified an antioxidant chemical used in tire rubber that can cause the deaths of coho salmon, particularly in the Puget Sound region: More specifically, a single chemical, 6PPD-quinone, derived from a preservative that helps tires last longer, […]

The Risks of Using Excel for Data Management

Many businesses use Excel spreadsheets to track, collate, and process data, and it’s easy to understand why. Excel is ubiquitous and is easy to use. Excel’s strengths, however, can also become serious risks. Last October, Public Health England lost 16,000 COVID-19 test results because of limits on the number of rows Excel can handle: A […]

Alaska Construction General Permit Available for Review

If your business has coverage under the Alaska Construction General Permit for Discharges from Large and Small Construction Activities, you have an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed final permit that the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will issue to succeed the current permit. The last day to submit feedback to DEC […]

A Little Change [Management] Goes a Long Way

Change is inevitable in business. The list of potential triggers is endless, including changing personnel, requirements and resources. Furthermore, each change is unique to the specific business, industry, and circumstance, affecting varying impacts and degrees of complexity. It is natural to feel overwhelmed by change and experience difficulty determining which factors to consider and whom […]

Ecology Releases New Construction Stormwater General Permit

The Washington Department of Ecology has reissued the Construction Stormwater General Permit to take effect on January 1, 2021. The permit authorizes stormwater and approved non-stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. Permit coverage is required for the following: Ongoing construction sites that are covered under the existing permit Construction sites that disturb one acre or […]

EPA Proposes Changes in New MSGP

In March of 2020, the EPA released its final proposed version of the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) that will replace the 2015 version currently in force. The MSGP authorizes stormwater discharges in areas where the EPA is the permitting authority, e.g., areas not covered by a state general permit. The comment period for the proposed […]

Violations of the Clean Water Act in Washington in 2019

Over the past several years, regulatory authorities and nonprofits have increased their watch over stormwater compliance. Freer Consulting routinely monitors records for the state of Washington from the Region 10 office of the Environmental Protection Agency for Notices of Intent (NOI) to Sue under the Clean Water Act. In 2019, the EPA received 21 NOIs […]

King County Stormwater Violations Trend

This year, a new permit for Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP) for the state of Washington went into effect. Now is a great time to look at how permit holders in King County did over the 2015-2019 period regarding stormwater violations. Data was collected from the Department of Ecology looking at all industrial stormwater violations […]

Using ISO 14001 to Simplify GRESB Reporting

Completing Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) reports is a complex, resource-intensive process for any business, whether when establishing benchmarks for the first time or working towards well-specified goals. GRESB has successfully streamlined the reporting process, but data collection, management, and verification still pose obstacles during the annual reporting cycle. GRESB complexity comes from the […]

COVID-19 and CLIA Expedited Certification

With COVID-19 clinical laboratory testing continuing to ramp up throughout the United States and worldwide, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) applications for registration are continuing to increase. In response to the pandemic, the federal government is taking unprecedented action to ensure laboratories in the United States wishing to test for COVID-19 are expedited through the […]