The Clean Water Act and Citizen Litigation

Here in the Pacific Northwest, it’s easy to take our abundance of water for granted. Our region is fortunate to have numerous streams, rivers, and lakes that we depend upon for drinking water, for recreation, and for ecological sustainability. In recent years, greater attention has been paid to understanding the impact that stormwater runoff has […]

Are You Keeping Up With UST Regulations?

Though we usually don’t notice them, underground storage tanks (USTs) are everywhere. Out of sight, however, shouldn’t mean out of mind. Because USTs often contain substances such as diesel fuel or gasoline, they’re subject to a number of regulations. These regulations ensure that owners take the appropriate steps to contain and/or prevent environmentally damaging leaks […]

EPA Proposes Rollback of Clean Water Act Regulation

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a change in definition of “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act (CWA). The move represents a long running argument between interested parties and how broad the definition should be. The definition hinges on what “navigable waters” means. A prior rule change in 2015 was […]

API Spec Q1 – Addendum 2: Your Supply Chain is Only as Strong as its Weakest Link

Over the summer, the American Petroleum Institute (API) released an update to its Spec Q1 standard. This update, also known as Addendum 2, requires an additional layer of control over critical suppliers. Ultimately, these controls are beneficial, as they close a quality gap that was previously overlooked; however, as is the case with many improvements, […]

Updates to ISO 22000 and ISO 50001

This summer, the International Standards Organization (ISO) released updates to its 22000 and 50001 standards. While there is a 3-year transition period for currently certified organizations, it is important to be aware of these updates and adjust existing management systems to ensure continued compliance. Organizations wishing to gain initial certification in either of these standards, […]

Reminder: ISGP Annual Reports Due May 15

If you’re a business located in Washington state and you have coverage under the Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP), please remember that your annual report for 2017 is due to the Department of Ecology by May 15, 2018. The annual report should include the following items: • Permittee information (permittee name, location, and permit number) […]

Global Virtual Playbook Freer Consulting has the expertise and experience to support our clients as they achieve certification in various quality standards (ISO, AISC, ISM, API, etc.). While most of our clients request support for a single site, or country, we have also successfully guided clients through certification at multiple sites, and in multiple countries. A key […]

The Benefits of AISC Certification

The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) is a professional organization that represents the steel construction industry in the United States. AISC offers a variety of certification programs that provide a range of benefits to individuals and companies in the industry. Contact us to learn more about the AISC certification process.  When a company works […]

Freer VMS and ADP eTIME Integration

For any business, keeping track of labor costs is crucial. This can be a challenge when workers are widely dispersed, which is especially true for maritime companies that have employees on vessels anywhere in the world. Freer Consulting’s customizable and scalable Vessel Management System (VMS) software allows for seamless syncing with ADP’s eTIME software. Employees […]