Dock and Sea Trial Documentation

International standards play a significant role in the maritime construction industry. Whether your company builds vessels, provides parts for vessels, or manages the construction of vessels, such standards likely guide your processes and deliverables, and often serve to meet the minimum requirements of your customers. What do you do when a customer provides technical specifications […]

Documentation and Standards

Consistent, clear, and usable process documentation, including a clear chain of responsibility and management of change, is a key aspect of any management system. Documentation allows companies to monitor and audit processes, streamline business practices, and continually improve products and services. When processes change, document revisions clearly communicate and track the change. International standards, such […]

Risk Assessment: API Spec Q1 and Q2, and 6a Standards

As we covered in a prior post, incorporating a standard, such as API, into your business practices greatly improves your ability to assess and manage risk. Risk assessment reduces costs, improves customer satisfaction, and opens up new business opportunities. There are a number of standards that may apply to your business and industry. For example, […]

Keeping Up With BMPs This Summer

The dry season is upon us in the Puget Sound region. If you are a stormwater permittee, you may be tempted to relax your implementation of stormwater best management practices (BMPs). However, it is just as important to keep up with your BMPs during the summer as you would in any other season. Dry conditions […]

Risk Management and ISO 31000

Any organization, regardless of industry, size, or sector, deals with risk. Risk can vary in type, severity, and degree of certainty, but when it’s uncontrolled, negative consequences, whether economic, environmental, societal, or other, are likely. It is impossible to eliminate all risk—the world is full of uncertainties—but we can take steps to minimize it. This […]

ISGP Renewal: Due July 5

A new Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP) is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2015. Permit holders, who receive coverage under the ISGP, must reapply for coverage by July 1, 2014. To reapply, complete a new Notice of Intent (NOI) online or download and fill out the NOI form. The changes to the ISGP […]

Stormwater Facility Credit Program

Stormwater Facility Credit Program

Businesses in the City of Seattle that have a stormwater treatment facility in place may be eligible for the Stormwater Facility Credit Program (SFCP). This credit allows qualifying businesses to save money on their drainage fees as part of their annual King County taxes. Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) developed the SFCP to encourage businesses to […]

The New December 2013 Vessel General Permit: Are You Ready?

If your firm operates commercial vessels that are longer than 79 feet, with discharges (e.g., ballast water, stormwater runoff, etc.) into U.S. waters, those vessels are subject to coverage under the 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) as of December 19, 2013. As part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the VGP is the […]