Do You Need a HACCP Plan?

Food safety systems are a key part of the food production industry, designed to allow the large-scale production of food in a safe and clean environment. Having certain plans and processes in place protects consumers from physical, chemical, and biological contamination of the food they buy. Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans achieve this type of protection throughout the production process by identifying areas where contamination could occur, assessing the risk of contamination, and putting mitigation efforts and responses in place. While the FDA and the USDA require food production companies to have a HACCP plan, other organizations related to food production may also benefit from a HACCP plan. Having a HACCP plan in place at organizations outside the direct production of food further ensures a safe, healthy product is delivered to the end customer. We have put together a few brief questions below to see if your organization should consider creating and implementing a HACCP plan.

Is your organization wanting to be certified in a standard that requires a HACCP plan?

Does your organization handle or transport food for on its way to an end consumer?

Are there multiple points in your operation where food is contacted and contamination can occur?

Is your organization involved in the transport of food products?

Answering yes to any of these could indicate a need for your organization to create and implement a HACCP plan. If you would like to know how Freer Consulting can help your organization, contact us at (206) 285-9044 or [email protected].