Construction activities can have a significant impact on stormwater discharges. Stormwater flows through construction zones pick up sediment, oil and grease, heavy metals and other pollutants, which are ultimately deposited into receiving waters. In order to limit pollutants in stormwater, construction that disturbs one or more acres of land requires permit coverage, either under the Construction General Permit (CGP) administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or by a state regulatory agency.
The EPA has issued a draft CGP that is available for public comment through May 26, 2016. Once the draft CGP is made final, it will replace the current CGP when it expires in February 2017. To check if the EPA or the state is the CGP permitting authority for your area, visit the EPA’s authorization status page.
Freer Consulting has the experience and the expertise to assist you with stormwater regulatory compliance. If you would like to know more about how Freer can help, contact us at (206) 285-9044 or or [email protected].